Rock Or Clay

Building the Foundation of your life on Jesus CHrist

1 Corinthians 3:11

“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

So often people build their lives in the hopes of having comfort and doing what they love. They do this rather than building their lives on love and operating out of that foundational love. The Bible tells us and shows us numerous times that God is love (1 John 4:8). We now have to build our foundation on that love that he laid down for us on the cross. But how we build upon that love matters. My prayer for this site is that God reveals his love throughout scripture. I also pray that through surrendering and tearing down our foundations, we can begin to trust and build through the most perfect architect.

About Me

Hi, My Name is Ashlyn

I am passionate about encouraging others to seek Jesus and see that Jesus is seeking them. I have learned through various things that Jesus has led me through that life is all about him. This is the best gift because he is showing us through his word and closeness that only in him is where true life can be found and built upon. I have been blessed to have a family with a mom, dad, and two sisters that are as honest, real, and love God. I have been mentored by many leaders at my church, The Village Church in Flower Mound, Tx. I am a worship leader there and love seeing the congregation join in praise to the one who desires and deserves it. I am blessed to have received and been given opportunities to answer the call to ministry. I have a some projects coming up that I hope encourage and invite you into the Joy that the lord wants to give you today, through him. My prayer through this cite is to simply point you to the one who gives life and sustains Joy no matter the mountain or the valley.

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